Douglas Campbell joined Theatre & Company's Writer's Bloc in 2001 and found writing for the theatre to be exhilarating and addictive. A fragment of his play Pamphilia was produced as part of the New Works Festival in 2003, and Little Crickets was given a workshop and public reading as part of the NU2U program in 2005. He is also involved with MTSpace Multicultural Theatre who are developing his play Yes or No! for performance in October. In his forties Douglas was seized by the dance bug, and took every kind of dance class imaginable, including Flamenco, Tap, and Highland Dancing. He has appeared on stage several times, notably in a ballet recital, where he was the only male creature within a league of the theatre. (Not all pictures have been destroyed.) He has also studied Aikido for several years and knows how to disarm an assailant wielding a sword (in theory).This will be appearing somewhere in here soon. I hope they are able to find something for me to do, a man of my parts.
Monday, August 28, 2006
I was asked to write a bio for the Theatre & Company website and came up with the following: