Laure: Nonsense! with such books, any one could make a name.
Balzac: You are right, by Jove! . . . these books must live. . . . Besides, there is Chance. It can protect a Balzac as well as it can a fool. Indeed, one has only to invent this chance. Let some one of my millionaire friends (and I have a few), or a banker not knowing what to do with his money, come and say to me: ‘I am aware of your immense talent and your anxieties; you need such and such a sum to be free; accept it without scruple; you will pay it back some day or other; your pen is worth my millions!’ That’s all I require, my dear sister.
You don't have to be a millionaire to make a pledge, but if you are one, or better, a billionaire (and we have a few), then it would only take such and such a sum to set them free -- and you can say you saved ... a Balzac!