I got a ride home from fellow board members of the MTSpace. I said: that's my house, ahead, with the light on. He drove right past and stopped at the next house that had a criminal-deterring, energy-inefficient, very bright light on, and a bright blue Conservative sign. I was too embarrassed to say anything. I got out and walked back to my house. I hope people don't start talking about me.
I am reminded of years ago, when I worked at an insurance company, and I accepted a ride home from the fat, cigar-chewing, caricature of a capitalist Vice-President of Data Processing, and with mounting apprehension realized I would have to direct him to the house with the bright orange N.D.P. sign. (It never occurred to me to get him to drop me off in front of a house without a sign, or with that of a more respectable political party.) I thanked him cheerfully for the ride, but if there'd been a pentacle on the door, he would not have looked more stricken. People did talk about me, I'm convinced.